Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Second Blog Birthday

Thankfully, my head has become a little clearer. I'm talking to people again. I'm making jokes again. I'm flirting again (I've found this total Indian Curvy Cutie - no idea if shes straight or taken though :S ) Things in my crazy life, are starting to become quite normal again. For this I'm glad.

Anyway, this is only a mini post. I'm just wishing a happy day for myself and any others in the same sticky, tough, molten spot as I am....And hoping for Blog-a-versary comments! Hint, Hint, Hint! Honestly, I can't be any more shameless if I spread my legs open or something...

Or second thoughts, lets burn that moment. Ok? Gone? Good! Now comment!!


CarpeDM said...

Two years? Sweet. Keep it up!

Isn't KT Tunstall fantastic?

Lioness said...

Two years, and I've missed yet another celebration!

Now I'll have to google KT Tunstall. Sounds like kitchen machinery but probably a band. Now I feel old.