Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Sky is Full of Dust

The day is colder than usual, but the sky is glittering. If you find a patch of blue sky with bits of cloud, revel in it and stare so hard your eyeballs start to ache. Lose yourself in the true blueness of the sky and don't blink. Soon enough, you should see a glittering sky. Lots of little dots of translucent light speeding round like angel children and miny fairy eggspawn. Hmm, I like that description. Its a load of mini ghosts moving around. They are the ones that give you the shivers...

Me-happy? Yeah, I was disbelieving too till thursday night. I had lost total beliefs in happy endings at the age of 16. I couldn't hold a true smile anymore, so I texted Nik. I've known him since I was 12, on the internet-one time I trusted him with my life, but we lost touch. We're talking again now, and I hope to get back to what we once had. What he said wasn't so remarkable(don't take things seriously, and know that life is good) its just that someone was listening to me for once and I appreciated so much I couldn't help but smile. People tend to compliment me for my smile. They say its brightens people's days, and I blanch with such a sought-after compliment.

I had a horoscope of my year, saying that I will find a guy who will over broken glass to make me happy. Maybe its been him, all this time. To tell you the truth, despite all the arguments we have, he's never wanted anything more than to make me happy, and I should know it better.

Hold on, I'm trying to find my dust...if you stare at darkness long enough, you could forget that there's little squares of light rushing around you trying to make you happy...


Serialangel said...

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Lioness said...

"Hold on, I'm trying to find my dust...if you stare at darkness long enough, you could forget that there's little squares of light rushing around you trying to make you happy..."
